Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Trying V1 again with port , leaving the username empty and mydjname: Can you possibly collect more information and file a bug? Server downgrade The new Shoutcast Stream Server caused a lot of trouble, including that the stream suddenly was not listed in the directory, so it has been downgraded back to SHOUTcast Server v2. All exceptions are marked SBD directly from soundboard device , FM radio sourced or stage recording microphones directly somewhere on stage. The client will normally specify the server type as shoutcast, and then will require the server address and password for the mountpoint. Board index All times are UTC. I had to create a browser list and what they support, then add a detection and have the site adopt to that. shoutcast server v2.0.0.29

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Send the result to me if you are not using one of the browsers already in following list.

Installing Shoutcast for Ubuntu

I have added a German translation of this page, and a check which language your browser requests. After a bandwidth upgrade, the stream is now back up at KBit and supports up to listeners.

Sign into your account, or create a new one, to start interacting. Therefore I reduced the list and now the stream is up again, without excessive ressource usage.

Moved to new hardware The server that runs the Zappa Streams besides of other sites has been moved to new hardware. At least it won't hurt. The new server is more powerful and should be able to support higher numbers of listeners. So I think the issue v2.0.29 is that the transcoder connects to the server, streams data but the server disconnects the connection as no data is streamed because there is no play list configured. So please do not expect miracles: Bandwidth Upgrade Due to bandwith shortage, the stream experienced problems during the last weeks of Februaryif the number of listeners went above The station is using shoutcast and a streambox generatet by http: Find More Posts by Robster There is also a song history shown based on http: You have most of that above already.

Hope the transition went smoothly Yesterday morning around 8: A question can only shouctast one accepted answer. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. New Server The streams and the web pages have moved to a new machine. Log In Sign Up.

Centova Technologies Forum - Shoutcast v2, sctrans

Other players may work, but are untested. I have the same v2.0.00.29. Just try which one fits most. Multiple Metadata shown in Songhistory Fixxx your Mixxx. All exceptions are marked SBD directly from soundboard deviceFM radio sourced or stage recording microphones directly somewhere on stage.

shoutcast server v2.0.0.29

Because of problems with the directory listing, the streaming v2.0.0.2 has been updated to the latest available SHOUTcast Server v2. I benched the machine a few weeks ago and is has about "1 GHz Single Core" power hard to tell based on benchmark points but if the transcoder isn't CPU efficient than you seem to be right. It needs Flash, but that should not be a problem, I hope.

shoutcast server v2.0.0.29

This should give us two advantages: I've installed Mixxx 1. If you haven't got IPv6, of course, it won't work.

Installing Shoutcast for Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS

Of course, keep on mind, that most concerts were taped with a cassette player and some small microphone. Very embarrassing, I am sorry! Is there a way, shoutczst setup the transcoder to automatically reconnect if a DJ connects to it? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. None of these attempts succeeded, as noone guessed the right password.

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