Monday, December 2, 2019


I'm having trouble getting my phone in "Diag Mode" being that after i install the ROM indicated in the tutorial, my "T" doesn't seem to work. If you were involved and I didn't mention you please let me know and I will add your name to the list If anyone notices a step I may have missed please let me know so I may edit the tutorial, thanks. Dec 22, Messages: If you flash a ROM after you may lose your settings. Your user name or email address: What link to FRG22D? Definately make a backup before you do anything. metro pcs u2nl

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Once the phone reboots.

I pieced so much of it together from so many different posts, that I just don't mstro remember the OP's. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. If this works that would be so great. Click on the Verizon APN and edit everything to match below.

Flash to Metro PCS instructions

Seek and Ye shall find my son 2. I personally used those very same instructions from howard forums to flash my droid over to metro. Also you said you had searched other forums, I'm glad you came here to ask for the help. Worked fine for me. I do not claim responsibility if you damage u2ml phone, proceed at your own risk. XDA Feed The best way to get cutting edge news about your device! Definately make metrk backup before you do anything.

metro pcs u2nl

Go to Main tab and click mode reset. Make sure to check back here tomorrow.

Need help flashing Motorola Droid to Metro PCS [Archive] - CDMA Gurus

I have liberty 2. The link cubano postedpost tutorial. Change the Android Auto background with Substratum themes September 23, Well, honestly, if you cant find it on that thread you might want to reconsider what you're attempting to do so you don't totally destroy your phone, pccs I'll see what I can do to help.

Now click the menu button and click Save.

That's exactly what i want to know Please Root and flash a ROM before you start this tutorial. Do pxs already have an account?

Android SDK I will assume that you have this if you have rooted your device -Please no lectures about assumptions. Then download autostart root and the rest of what it says on the tutorial. There are a large number of contributors that all played a part in getting this up and going.

Fully flashing Droid?

I backed up my apps and data on my LG and wanna transfer it to S Where do I get the metro pcs files? I will have it posted sometime tomorrow. I wrote this from memory and I am sure it's not the best tutorial or the most svelt, and I may have left some things out or maybe I was a little vague Any constructive criticism is welcomed.

metro pcs u2nl

Sorry about that try this one. I think you need to press to get into the diag menu so that qpst 2. Sorry I'm no genius, just a jackass who stands on the backs of geniuses.

metro pcs u2nl

Are you a developer? This should present you with a new port in QPST

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